Rated 5.0 out of 5. Worm castings from African Nightcrawlers are very granular and considered . 1. of water over the feedstock to start its absorption into the bedding. 1 Lbs. (2001) found that Eudrilus eugeniae outperformed Eisenia fetida at 25 C (77 F) in trials using cattle manure as feedstock. African Nightcrawlers, Coco Coir and Purina Worm Chow- Free Shipping. These make great bait for fresh or salt water. African nightcrawlers also make an excellent fishing worm as they are smaller than the Canadian nightcrawler . The best scraps to feed African nightcrawlers include fruit waste, such as apples, bananas, pears, and peaches. While the red wiggler is a universal suggestion for a beginning composting worm, there are many situations that may mean a different worm will actually work out the best. Check the moisture level of your worms' bedding in each bucket twice a week. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Warmth. Great for composting Keep at 70-85 degrees Feed at night Grow over 8" long Avg. The color is bluish to pink-grey with cream-yellow or pink tails. Put everything under the sun. They have a blue sheen to then and are very attractive to fish. Dry and sift - let the bin dry out to 30-40% moisture and then sift the entire thing. Bedding for Africans does not have to be deep. African night crawlers are sensitive to cold, but can withstand high temperatures. _ Yep, it's E.C. $50.00. By Nightcrawlers, I'm assuming you mean composting worms, such as European or African Nightcrawlers and NOT burrowing worms as Canadian Nightcrawlers, but either way :) 1. Africans Night Crawlers- Africans like bedding that is made like that used for red worms, but will only feed on the top. PHP 500. Known as the larger cousin of the red wriggler worm, the European nightcrawler is an excellent choice for vermicomposting. I live in a tropical country - the balcony can get really hot.. African Night crawlers are tropical worms so the warmer the better. It can grow over 6 inches in length and is the largest composting worm . Cell no 0829008775 Permasoil Aug 26, 2022 Rating African nightcrawlers Supplier South Africa by: Permasoil Hi There, I supply African night crawlers and I am based in Centurion, you are welcome to contact me. African nightcrawlers for sale, Red wigglers for sale and European nightcrawlers for sale. African Nightcrawlers also grow much faster than Red Worms and European Nightcrawlers and become very large - up to 250 mm (25 cm). This type of worm does not have teeth, so it is okay to plant your seeds or seedlings in . The best food to feed nightcrawlers is moist organic matter like leaves and compost. The African night crawler makes a superior fish bait in a couple of ways. If You Live In An Area With Moderate Temperatures, They Can Be Left Outside All Year In Windrows, Piles Or Bins. Due to their voracious appetites and ability to quickly reproduce African night crawlers are quickly gaining popularity with vermicomposters. African Night Crawlers Bait size for African Night Crawler worms is MINIMUM 7 cm long - usually they are 10-12cm long - but can be up to 15 cm long ! African Nightcrawlers must stay warm, and will die if kept below 60F for long periods of time. The African Nightcrawler, Eudrilus Eugeniae (Scientific Name), is truly an amazing composting worm. Now, to take on this farm project for Nightcrawler worms, you must prepare the following things: A Dark Colored Plastic Bin - can be about 7-10 inches deep, 9 inches wide, 14 inches long (a dark colored bin or container is more favorable for nightcrawlers) Shreds of Newspaper, Crushed Eggshells, some Potting Soil, and other food scraps . European Nightcrawler. Free shipping Free shipping Free shipping. Because of its size and color it is a very popular bait worm. This explains how they get through so much food. First they offer a better presentation to the fish than most worms by the illuminating blue stripes running through its body especially in fresh clearer waters catching the fish's attention. Wait a few hours until the worms move down to the new layer of compost. Optimum production of African Nightcrawlers is between 70 F and 85F. African Nightcrawlers Worms: African Nightcrawlers. Red wiggler Composting worms. 225 reviews. They thrive in 70F-80F environments, but can even manage in temperatures that reach 90F. ANC or African Night Crawler 500 Php / kg Deliver 400 Php/ kg Pick-Up 300 Php/ 1/2f Kg 200 Php/ 1/4 kg Note: Delivery cost charge to buyer depend in their location. Keeping Nightcrawlers from escaping. Coffee grounds are also great, but make sure to provide them in moderation. European Nightcrawlers - Fishing/Composting Worms. Our worm castings can be used in gardens, landscaping, containers and raised beds, for vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, vines, trees and shrubs. Africans need it wet and hot 75 to 90 degrees for best results. 1999) already reported that the ANC was used for vermicomposting in the tropics. We courier natoinaly in South AFrica. African Night Crawlers are by far the Best earthworm for vermicomposting with the exception of the European Nightcrawler, Both Worms put the Red worm to shame.There is a whole lot of misinformation on the web about these worms and how to raise them, they have proved to me, they are one of the easiest worms to raise, period. Read more in detail here: what to feed canadian nightcrawlers. Live composting Worms, African nightcrawlers The Best Worms for composting (100) 31 $2499 Get it Mon, Oct 24 - Wed, Oct 26 FREE Shipping African Nightcrawlers, 1 LB Live Worms 32 African Nightcrawlers, 2 LBS Live Worms 12 . The African Nightcrawler (binomial name eudrilus eugeniae) is a large composting worm that is able to work its magic a little more deeply than other composting worms. Starvation will drive the worms to greener pastures. $35.00. The African night crawler can be used for a variety of fish species. Africans are fatter at the head - at about 5 to 7 mm thick - and get thinner towards the tail. African Nightcrawler African nightcrawlers are quite popular composting worms. African Nightcrawler (Eudrilus eugeniae) can measure up to 4-8 inches long. $25 for 50 worms, $45 for 100 worms. If the worms are in escape mode, avoid nitrogen-rich foods, which includes grass clippings. New. said: African Night Crawlers. Some of the artificial lures you can use include tubes, spoons, and spinners. The African Nightcrawler is known for its size and appetite. African Nightcrawlers (Eudrilus Eugeniae) 120 reviews. Directions for use in the garden and landscape: Up to 1ft3. See the table below for more information on ANC cocoons. Big fat worms all through the castings. African Nightcrawlers are the perfect worm for fishing, composting, or improving soil condition. Super Grow Worm Castings - Super Food for your Plants. Optimum production of African Nightcrawlers is between 70 F and 85F. Help: My Worms are escaping! 6 reviews. $20.95. Y yngggru Feeder Fish MFK Member Jun 6, 2013 452 0 0 Philippines Aug 10, 2013 #8 E.C. $22.95. Place 10 African nightcrawlers on the damp peat moss layer and then add another 1-pound layer of peat moss over the worms. Maximum weight can be achieved in 8-10 weeks. Under ideal conditions this species can process wastes very quickly and also has a very high rate of growth and reproduction. They're easier to care for on the way to the water also. Also, don't add too much white paper, which contains bleach. The best way to keep them requires being very aware of the temperature they are living in. It was thick with worms! If you can keep them at temps above 60 degrees you will have happy and healthy worms. Although the quality of the worm castings are the same as other worms, the African nightcrawler produces the prettiest looking to the naked eye. The African Nightcrawler has a uniform purple-gray sheen and the posterior segments are evenly tapered to a point. All worms at least 7-8cm long most a lot bigger upto 15cm in length. The worms I will cover will be the red wiggler, Indian blue, African nightcrawler, Alabama jumper . African Nightcrawlers are one of the most sought after worms for their worm castings. You can also try critters such as grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles. Like other earthworms, African nightcrawlers play a significant role in fertilizing the soil. Orders will be shipped as soon as possible. African Nightcrawlers are a great choice, because they are versatile. The African Nightcrawler has a uniform purple-grey sheen. Submitted by Tim Herron, Herron Farms 706-531-4789. 3 years ago. It wasn't looking good until I looked in the second tray. Migration method - put the bottom layer on top of a screen that's on top of a new layer of horse poop compost. Please them outside in summer in bins and then bring inside in late summer. African Night Crawler, ANC, Vermicast and Vermicompost. These worms also make great composting worms. Make sure to not give them citrus fruits. This tropical worm species tolerates higher temperatures than its composting cousins. They have huge appetites, they will eat up to 150% of their own body weight each day if given the proper environment and proper amount of food. African Nightcrawlers have a unique coloring, being a mix of grey and purple. Free shipping at Texas Worm Farm. The African Nightcrawler has a uniform purple-grey sheen. African Night Crawler African Night Crawler We found 3 Ad Post for the search "African Night Crawler" Are you selling your African Night Crawler or any other used item? It has a brilliant purple-blue glitter. $49.99. African Nightcrawler Worm orders must be in by Friday at 2 pm MTN to be shipped the coming Monday and Tuesday. 1 Review Based on 1 review. Sometimes people forget to feed their worms. Worm orders placed on Saturday and Sunday will be pushed out to the following Monday. . In the first 3 inches of worm bedding, combine 1 pound of cornmeal with 1/2 pound of lard. Breeder Age African Night Crawlers . In fact, Dominguez et al. The African Nightcrawlers are IMO, high maintenance. Known to have a rapid life-cycle (cocoon to maturity), African Nightcrawlers(E. eugeniae) reach sexual maturity quickly compared to many other species, and will eagerly continue the 'cycle of life' by laying "eggs" of their own. Worms for sale. Able to live comfortably in 60 to 95 degree . The bedding should clump together when you lightly squeeze it in your fist. Source: MarvinBikolano. The African Night Crawlers are native the warm regions of West Africa, but now vermicomposters in tropic and sub tropic climates all over the world are using them as composting and bait worms. Same! Known for growing bigger and being more active than regular worms, African Nightcrawlers are ideal for fishing. Benefits of Using Earthworm Cocoons They must be kept indoors in the winter. We supply worms that are over the 7 cm mark - and at most times are 10 to 15 cm long. Below are some of the common causes of escaping composting worms: 1. Transplanting and premixing soil for potted plants and planter boxes . The African Nightcrawlers naturally live in decomposing organic matter, and thus adapt well to crowded and shallow worm bins. Sell it here for free! From each cocoon typically 2 hatchlings will emerge. All worms need air circulation. 4 is enough. You can contact me for any African Nightcrawler or Red Wriggler needs. African Night Crawlers - Breeder Age - By The Pound- Save On Multiple Orders. Any temperatures below 60F-50F are not ideal for African night crawlers. Product Type: Earth Worms. nhelzkylopez.bondad. They aerate the soil by creating tunnels and channels for oxygen and water to flow through. per 500 ft2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkVsnzyeLg4O8N44LH1qlIw/store Look in on the Vermibag and talk African nightcrawler worms escapingPlay list for the ANC comp. Africans are currently on hold. The only thing that I've found that deters them is a fan blowing directly in the bin. With red wrigglers it is often possible to find a knot of worms under a particularly tasty bit of food. They Can Live In A Temperature Range Of 60 To 90 Degrees Fahrenheit, But Do Best Between 75 And 85 Degrees. It is very common [] . Now, let's take a closer look at three of the most common types of nightcrawler worms. $47.00. African nightcrawlers are considered perfect worms for composting. Help: My Worms Are Escaping! It's a big fat slacker that wants food and leaves other smaller worms to do the work! African Night Crawler or Vermicast PHP 400 African Night Crawlers are native the warm regions of West Africa, but now vermicomposters in tropic and sub tropic climates all over the world are using them as composting and bait worms. Many vermicomposters fear that their African Nightcrawlers might escape their bins. by Ben Bareja Last Updated May 5, 2022 The African night crawler (ANC), known scientifically as Eudrilus eugeniae, is considered as the most efficient epigeic or composting earthworm in the tropics (Guerrerro 2009). The reason this worm doesn't disturb roots can be attributed to its size. Availability: 962 In stock. -MelonSmasher- 22 days ago. I was hoping to find a similar knot of african nightcrawlers. by jellis (san Leandro, Ca USA) Someone wrote they kept theirs in by smearing vasoline treated with salt on the lip of the bin. Too much moisture This is the number one cause of worms leaving worm bins. Even in 1981, Graff (cited by Guerrero et al. I've recently started a worm bin to Put in my west facing balcony. I read somewhere that African Night Crawlers can withstand very high temperatures so I chose this type to work with. Gently dig into soil surface once a month or as desired. additional info, this nightcrawlers are really active on night, it means they have the huge tendency to escape, and they will escape, they tend to eat at night so basically you should have a modified escape-free container. These fall into the river quite often and so rainbow trout are used to feeding on them. Live composting Worms, African nightcrawlers The Best Worms for composting (100) 32 1 offer from $24.99 Red Wigglers, NightCrawlers, Superworms, Bait, and Compost Worm Food with Scoop by Protogro 499 1 offer from $16.25 Uncle Jim's Worm Farm European Nightcrawlers Composting and Fishing Worms 1 Lb Pack 721 1 offer from $49.95 Night crawlers may also be fed a combination of ground maize, cornmeal, and commercially available worm chow. Below, I will compare and contrast six different kinds of composting worms. 275 per pound Notice: African Night Crawlers orders placed by 12 PM Saturday will be shipped the . Unlike reds or the other nightcrawlers, who can tolerate 40-50F, if African Nightcrawlers get too cold, they will die off. Temperatures less than 60 F or greater than 86 F for extend periods of time can be fatal. 3. mstransplants 22 days ago. There are a few main causes behind their departure. Just keep in mind with any worm breed factors such as food, temperature, and moisture levels may greatly influence reproduction rates. FREE Basic Vermicomposting Seminar Online or Offline Please Like my FB Fanpage for Tips and Techniques h New African Nightcrawlers (ANC) are one of the best worms for quickly decomposing organic matter and for significantly improving soil health. African night crawlers produce an average of up to 3.5 cocoons in a week. Whether your compost bin needs a "workhorse" or your soil needs a "medic", Rocky Mountain Organic Supply can supply you with healthy, energetic nightcrawlers excellent for vermicomposting and gardening. Needless to say it makes a good feeder worm for various pets like birds, fish, various mammals, reptiles . 2. Also, they aren't readily available in the Philippines either. African Nightcrawler (Eudrilus eugeniae) can measure up to 4-8 inches long. Use a mix of shredded paper and manure with straw for best results. To Sum Up. My wife orders so many things that I've considered getting some African night crawlers just to deal with all the cardboard! The African Nightcrawler is certainly not without its benefits. Than 86 F for extend periods of time significant role in fertilizing the soil meet-up in bus Terminal Manila. 12 PM Saturday will be shipped the 12 PM Saturday will be african night crawlers escaping to. What is the largest composting worm for Nightcrawlers be the red wiggler, Indian blue, African | $ 25 for 50 worms, African Nightcrawlers - BuildASoil < /a > the African nightcrawler, Alabama jumper an //Www.Youtube.Com/Watch? v=TwNcWIpdZSU '' > worms: 1 salt water purple and grey from escaping ; found! 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